Friday, July 17, 2020

New Days...

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it."

    It's been 4 years since my last post on here was published, and boy have things changed!! We have 3 boys now instead of 2, I am no longer working outside of our home (PRAISE the Lord! My work was I think a big factor in not writing much), I am no longer a "wandering matriarch" as God gave us a new home church 2 years ago, and this year (DUN-DUN-DUNN) 2020 has been a game changer for everyone.
    This year, whew, anyone alive now and reading this I'm sure can agree, is such a weird and unexpected and unfathomable year. I don't pretend to know everything, and I'm certain I am off base on some things, but for the sake of writing this blog I'll try to explain the basics of where I'm coming from in regards to all of this.
    Yes, there is a virus, and it has made people sick and caused deaths. No, I don't think it is the horrible fear-worthy pandemic (akin to Spanish Flu or the Plague) the media and some government officials are trying to convince us it is. Yes, there is still racism around the world and our country, but no, I don't agree that it is a systemic problem within our police system (and if you accuse me of white fragility I have no interest in engaging in that conversation) nor is it limited to one ethnic group as the aggressors or victims. Yes, I do think there are people in power (government or otherwise) who are trying to use the virus situation and racial tension to change things in a very bad way in our country and world. No, Murder Hornets are not something we need to be fearful of.

    So, those are some of my basic understandings on our current world situation. Even bigger though: I still believe that God is good and is in control, and is and WILL work everything out for ultimate good and His glory. I really don't expect things (on a worldly scale) to get "better". In fact, I'm certain that they are going to get worse (at least from a christian perspective). Partially just because of watching what is going on (big push for socialist/marxist ideals in our country, continuing dive into embracing sinful desires and rejecting God, just to point out a few) but mostly because God tells us this will happen (Second Timothy Chapter 3 goes into some detail). He tells us to expect persecution as believers (which is a guarantee as socialism and Marxist ideas spread). 2nd Timothy 3:12 says "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" as well as John 16:33 "I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble! But take heart, I have overcome the world!".  We are not assured of easy living in this life, we are assured of trouble in this world BUT that God will always provide for us, that He is always with us and guiding us, and that He has an ultimate eternal plan that is so much better than any temporary worldly enjoyments. The struggles here are never in vain, and God is using it all for good.
    Which brings me back to the psalm I opened this with 
"This is the day the Lord has made; W
e will rejoice and be glad in it." Today was made by the Lord, this day with a multitude of sunburns on my skin (ouch.), dizziness while buying groceries from wearing the silly mask I'm required to, and frustrating news of tightening restrictions from our governor (along with the fun stuff too ;) ). I will rejoice, because God has made this day and He has had a purpose in it. He has been working in my heart so much throughout this new season, helping pry my grip from my comforts in our life here and instead helping me to cling to Him as my security (far more secure than any job or full grocery store or easily acquired toilet paper!). The Holy Spirit is actively renewing and changing me to desire God and His will more, and helping me to be more brave in those pursuits. I could not ask for better!
    I came across an old post on facebook recently that had a quote by A. W. Tozer I'd shared that said "I believe the time is coming when we will not be able to take our Christianity as casually as we do now." (posted in 2016). I believe that time is drawing even more near.
    I've been reading the book "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan recently (I highly recommend it, it is about the Holy Spirit, both who He is and what He does, as well as our terrible habit of neglecting Him in our lives and in the church) and there was a story about a woman name Esther Ahn Kim from WW2 and I feel it is very fitting for what we are stepping in to as Christians right now. I've posted the pictures of the story from the book below.
    Are we entering into "official" end times? I don't know, and I won't presume to know that. I know that we are told that it is coming and to be ready, and in the meantime to be knowing God and making Him known to those we come in contact with. To love Him, and to love others as He does. To hate evil and love God and do good. I've definitely taken that calling more casually than I'm happy about over the years. But, like Esther Ahn Kim, I am seeing the signs of increased persecution for God's children, and I want to be ready.
    I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to give me the kind of self-discipline only He can give in accomplishing this, and for His leading as to what areas specifically I should be focusing on (for myself and my family). I encourage you to do the same!


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